Trolls would ask their victims to enter to following code in the command screen: 'deltree /y c:\*. Though less popular in comparison to 'delete System32' schemes, the Deltree command System32 but can create the same effect. It was originally introduced in MS-DOS 6, and was retained throughout all Windows versions based upon MS-DOS. Deltreeĭeltree (short for delete tree) is a command line command in Microsoft operating systems that deletes an entire subdirectory of files.
Trollers will often claim that it will help with defragging hard drives, improve firewalls, and fix drivers. Trolls share the command dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M to troll less knowledgeable Ubuntu users into wiping their hard drive. Trollers will often tell Mac and Linux users to open up their terminals and enter in code (such as 'sudo rm -rf /*') that will then wipe their hard drives.Īnother trolling technique, in use on the /g/ (technology) board of 4chan since 2010, involves the Ubuntu operating system. System32 is an exclusive file system of Windows, but other tricks exist for trolling users into disabling their hard drives.